Saturday, September 13, 2008

My girls are so lucky...

to have such a great Dad!!! I couldn't have found a better guy to have my children with!

When we went to fairyland we bought two cheap strollers to make a double that was small. All Babies R' Us had was ugly green ones. I hated the color because I thought they looked like a boy stroller. So I bought iron on transfers to make them more girly. Bryant took an hour tonight to do them for me. I now LOVE the strollers!!! I think the girls are so lucky to have a Dad who takes time to do something so simple as this!

Here are a few pictures of the finished product:

Brooke now thinks she is Abby. She likes to put things in her mouth and crawl around:

The PJ's she is wearing are 18 months!!!

Here she is trying to put a shirt on!


Carey said...

The strolers look so nice!!

Kylie said...

Wow those strollers turned out really well. They look like you bought them like that.

About Our Family

My photo
Bay Area, Ca, United States
Bryant and I have 3 great kids. Caleb was born in January 2005 but he past due to SIDS in June 2005. Our daughter Kaitee was born in August of 2006 and our other daughter Brooke was born in October of 2007. Bryant is in the Air Force but he gets out late next year and we hope to move back home then!