Thursday, September 4, 2008

Still learning to walk...

Brooke is still learning to walk. She will only walk if I am standing in front of her bribing her with a toy. She won't even try to walk to any one else, not even Bryant. She can stand on her own but if I am sitting behind her she leans on me and won't take a step away from me. I think that's because she has been attached to my hip lately. She never leaves my side and cries if I leave the room. Kaitee was always so independent so this is new to me. I know its normal and it will pass. I just don't think she will walk until it passes.

I was holding her teddy bear and bouncing him up and down so she started to copy me. It was so cute!

1 comment:

Our Life Together said...

Hopefully by her Birthday!!!! She's just so cute.

About Our Family

My photo
Bay Area, Ca, United States
Bryant and I have 3 great kids. Caleb was born in January 2005 but he past due to SIDS in June 2005. Our daughter Kaitee was born in August of 2006 and our other daughter Brooke was born in October of 2007. Bryant is in the Air Force but he gets out late next year and we hope to move back home then!