Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Halloween costumes!

The girls tried on their Halloween costumes today. Kaitee didn't want to wear it more than 5 minutes. Hopefully Brooke will be walking by Halloween otherwise she will have a tough time crawling in hers.

I caught the girls getting into things in my bathroom. Kaitee had my pads thrown on the ground and Brooke was sucking on my used washcloth! *barf*

We had the girls friends Charlie(15 months) and Christian(16 months old) over to play today!

Kaitee, Brooke and Charlie:

Kaitee, Brooke and Christian:

Brooke and Christian:

1 comment:

Our Life Together said...

Your little Devil and little angel

About Our Family

My photo
Bay Area, Ca, United States
Bryant and I have 3 great kids. Caleb was born in January 2005 but he past due to SIDS in June 2005. Our daughter Kaitee was born in August of 2006 and our other daughter Brooke was born in October of 2007. Bryant is in the Air Force but he gets out late next year and we hope to move back home then!