Thursday, November 13, 2008

Today's potty update!

Today was her 2nd day in a row with no accidents. She did go pee and poop in her diaper but that's only because I had a terrible headache so I left her in the diaper after her nap, so that was really my fault.

I am a little worried about how the weekend will go with the potty. We are going to San Fransisco tomorrow so she won't be using the potty during the first half of the day. I hope she decides to hold it and waits until there are bathrooms around to go.

Kaitee has always been a quick learner. I held off potty training because I was afraid for her to not be ready. I think 27 months was the perfect time for her to begin. She really makes me proud. Even when I am stressed about trying something new with her she has eased her way into every challenge we have given her. She really is such an amazing little girl!

Here's Brooke's update for today:
Brooke learned how to climb up onto the couch today. We live REALLY close to the train tracks. Every time a train goes by Kaitee says "choo choo train". Today while Kaitee was napping a train came by and Brooke tried to say it. It was so cute. It didn't come out nearly as clear as it does when Kaitee says it but I know for sure that's what she was trying to say. I tried to get her to say it for the camera but she wouldn't. She also now says "nigh-nigh" when she wants to go to bed. I got her to say it on video tonight:

I was lucky enough to win these 2 beautiful bows from Wainbows. They actually stayed in Brooke's hair (I normally have to tape bows to her hair). Both grils loved them (they both normally try to take the bows out). I got a few cute pictures of the girls wearing them (they are now little models on the bows website!)


Anonymous said...

Did you start shooting manually, RAW, or are you doing something different? Your pictures were always lovely, but they are looking ESPECIALLY fantastic here! As always, your girls are just about the cutest I have ever seen!

The Iverson's said...

I am still shooting on auto (I can't figure out how to take good clear pictures manually). I edited them which I don't normally do.

Carey said...

love the new bows! Great pics of the girls they are so cute!

Laura said...

Aww! I love seeing these two!

About Our Family

My photo
Bay Area, Ca, United States
Bryant and I have 3 great kids. Caleb was born in January 2005 but he past due to SIDS in June 2005. Our daughter Kaitee was born in August of 2006 and our other daughter Brooke was born in October of 2007. Bryant is in the Air Force but he gets out late next year and we hope to move back home then!