Wednesday, November 26, 2008

2 1/2 hours....

is how long it took for me to put the girls kitchen together!!!

I read the reviews where people said it took them 6 hours to put together. So I did it early so that if it took a long time to do I would have a few weekends with Bryant's help to do it. The girls were napping at the same time so I decided to start it. I finished right when the girls were waking up. Now I can't wait for Christmas because I know the girls will love it!

All the pieces!

EVERY little piece needed to be cut out:

Its done!

the trash from the project!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

I got them!

The ornaments came in today. The coloring seems a little off, especially on Kaitee's. The coloring looks worse in the pictures then it does in real life. I still love them!

Kaitee and Brooke's feet are almost the same size!!!

And Kaitee looked cute today so here are a few pictures of her!


Kaitee use to point at pictures of Caleb and call him Brook (she did this when she was around 1 1/2). I would correct her and say "its Caleb". It has been at least 6 months since I have done this. I just finally got around to hanging up pictures in our new apartment. Starting a few days ago when I hung up the pictures, she started pointing at his pictures and saying "Karub" Pretty close! I am surprised that she remembers his name from at least 6 months ago! It sounds great hearing her say his name. It even brought tears to my eyes!

I can only imagine that if he were still alive that I would hear them fighting and she would be screaming that name everyday like she does with "Brookie".

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Brooke can now...

open doors! She is 13 1/3 months old. She has been trying to open the front door for a few weeks now. Tonight I accidentally forgot to deadbolt the front door and she opened it!!! I don't remember Kaitee doing that this young.

here is Kaitee being weird making a bed on the coffee table!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Christmas ornaments!

I took a few pictures of the girls today so I could have their Christmas ornaments ordered. I wanted the ornament to have a picture of them with their lovey's (Kaitee's Pooh bear, and Brooke's sock monkey).

This is what they will look like (they are only blurry because I zoomed in on them):

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Another day with no accidents!

Today we went shopping at 2 stores and then out to dinner. Kaitee held her pee and peed at IHOP. She is really amazing!!! This potty training thing seems so simple when it comes to Kaitee!

Friday, November 14, 2008

I must really love him!

We went to San Fransisco today to pick up Bryant's bike. I had to drive through SF. If you know me you know how much I hate driving. It was nerve wracking!

Well I really underestimated my smart little girl. She peed in the potty before we left this morning. Then before we were leaving the motorcycle shop I took her to the bathroom and she peed in a PUBLIC restroom! Then she waited til we got home to pee again. She had NO accidents.

Here are a few pictures from the car ride today:

Bryant riding his bike!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Today's potty update!

Today was her 2nd day in a row with no accidents. She did go pee and poop in her diaper but that's only because I had a terrible headache so I left her in the diaper after her nap, so that was really my fault.

I am a little worried about how the weekend will go with the potty. We are going to San Fransisco tomorrow so she won't be using the potty during the first half of the day. I hope she decides to hold it and waits until there are bathrooms around to go.

Kaitee has always been a quick learner. I held off potty training because I was afraid for her to not be ready. I think 27 months was the perfect time for her to begin. She really makes me proud. Even when I am stressed about trying something new with her she has eased her way into every challenge we have given her. She really is such an amazing little girl!

Here's Brooke's update for today:
Brooke learned how to climb up onto the couch today. We live REALLY close to the train tracks. Every time a train goes by Kaitee says "choo choo train". Today while Kaitee was napping a train came by and Brooke tried to say it. It was so cute. It didn't come out nearly as clear as it does when Kaitee says it but I know for sure that's what she was trying to say. I tried to get her to say it for the camera but she wouldn't. She also now says "nigh-nigh" when she wants to go to bed. I got her to say it on video tonight:

I was lucky enough to win these 2 beautiful bows from Wainbows. They actually stayed in Brooke's hair (I normally have to tape bows to her hair). Both grils loved them (they both normally try to take the bows out). I got a few cute pictures of the girls wearing them (they are now little models on the bows website!)

Potty update (11/12/2008)

Yesterday Kaitee had NO accidents! She even wore a diaper for 1 hour(she was suppose to be napping but never did) and she was still dry so she peed in the potty when I took the diaper off!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Another day of potty training...

Kaitee had another great day of potty training! She peed in the potty 6 times and only had one pee accident! She told me every time (except for the accident) when she needed to go. We even played outside for 1 hour (she was wearing panties) and she didn't have an accident. When we came in she said she needed to go pee. I am excited its going so well for her. I hope she keeps this up!

Something happened though that somehow I have lucked out on and had not experienced yet as a parent! When Kaitee was getting a bath (before bed) she started yelling "mommy poop" (I was drying the baby next to the tub so I didn't see her do it). I looked and she POOPED in the tub!!! I grabbed her and out her on the toilet. I said "poopy goes in the potty" then she finished pooping on the potty! I had a weird feeling she would do it. She normally is a morning pooper, so I think she was holding it in all day because she wasn't wearing diapers. I think the warm bath water was too relaxing.

So that's how our second day of potty training went!

Brooke turned 13 months old today. She has been saying 'up' for a few months but lately she has realized that saying it really works! So she follows me around the house reaching for me saying "up, up, up"! Here are a few pictures of the girls from today:

About Our Family

My photo
Bay Area, Ca, United States
Bryant and I have 3 great kids. Caleb was born in January 2005 but he past due to SIDS in June 2005. Our daughter Kaitee was born in August of 2006 and our other daughter Brooke was born in October of 2007. Bryant is in the Air Force but he gets out late next year and we hope to move back home then!